Defender MY07 Technical Service Bulletin

Hieronder een overzicht van de beschikbare service bulletins van Land rover voor de zogeheten 'bultneuzen' Defender MY07 Technical Service Bulletin No.LTB00177, 09 October 2008 Subject/Concern: Brake Vacuum Pump Seal Oil Leak Models: Defender (LD) 2.4L Diesel Only 2.4L Diesel Only VIN-range: 7A732615 Onwards Markets: All Section: 206-07 Summary: Oil leaking from the brake vacuum pump front oil seal. Cause: Dirt ingress into the pump pulley seal resulting in damage to the lip and subsequent oil leakage (the new brake vacuum pump has a secondary dirt lip seal). Suggested Customer Concern Code - R31. Action: Should a customer express concern, install a new brake vacuum pump (refer to Global Technical Reference GTR Workshop Manual, section 206-07 (70.15.19)). Parts Required: Description Part Number Quantity Brake vacuum pump LR012183 1 Gasket LR004381 1 Labour Time: Operation Description Operation No. Time Install a new brake vacuum pump 70.15.19 0.7 hours Repair/Claim Coding: Causal Part: LR012183 ACES Condition Code: 42===================================================Land Rover Service Bulletin SSM38792, Date Uploaded: 21 Jul 2008 Models: LD - Defender Title: 2.4 Puma Engine Knock Noise. Last Modified: 21-JUL-2008 09:44 Category: Engine Symptom: 497000 Engine Noise Content Issue: Heavy audible knocking heard on start up. Cause: On start up oil pressures can cause the piston cooling jets, (PCJ), to latch into a zero flow condition. Due to hysteresis effect in design the jets do not unlatch until the engine is warm and the oil pressures lower again. During this time with no pressurized oil jet flow to the lower pistons / cylinder bores, overheat and scuff conditions / damage can occur. Action: Replace the engine assy but ensure only engines post serial # ELD00080707063602 are used. This condition will not occur on vehicles post assured Vin# 9A767162. Engines post the info above are fitted with modified PCJ internal springs and this issue is now closed.===================================================Land Rover Service Bulletin SSM39893 Models LD - Defender Title Defender Intermittent Cranking Last Modified 26-NOV-2008 16:29 Category Electrical Symptom 203000 Basic Electrical Content Issue: Warranty investigations have shown a number of repairs to Defender for intermittent loss of cranking. Cause: This issue may well be due to the immobilisation strategy on Defender. Action: Before conducting any work on a vehicle with this symptom, please view SSM 34184. ===================================================Land Rover Service Bulletin SSM38084 Models LD - Defender Title Defender MA 07 - lock in one gear Last Modified 06-MAY-2008 11:27 Category Transmission Symptom 505000 Manual gearbox anomalies Content Reference: MT82 Getrag gearbok locked in one gear. Cause: Still not determined. Required action: Land Rover ask to the dealers to confirm the problem first and proceed to fill the attached questionary before to get in contact with the "Fix Right Enhanced Diagnostics" (FRED) technichians in charge of the repairs. Thats will allow to the enginnering dept to understand the possible causes of the problem.===================================================Land Rover Service Bulletin SSM40851 Defender Front and Rear Propshaft Grease Points Models : LD - Defender Title: Defender Front and Rear Propshaft Grease Points Last Modified: 30-MAR-2009 08:27 Category: Noise/ Vibration Symptom: 703000 Vibration Concerns Content Issue: Loose or missing front / rear propshaft grease nipples for Defender 07 MYonward vehicles. Action: If any propshafts are identified where the grease nipples are missing, then the propshaft should be replaced. Any cases where the grease nipples are in place but loose should be torqued to 8Nm + 45degrees.==================================================Land Rover Service Bulletin Models LD - Defender Title P1169 and or P0089 codes logged. Last Modified 30-JUL-2008 10:16 Category Driveability Symptom 608000 Runs Rough Content Issue: 07MY onwards - Difficult to start, missfire, lack of power, driveability issues etc. PCM can have either P1169 and or P0089 logged codes. Pre assured Vin# Def 90 at Vin LD8A760582. Defender 110/130 at Vin# LD8A760304. Cause: Potential contamination in the fuel system. Action: Remove the fuel filter, drain complete contents into a suitable clear vessel. Note signs of any water contamination / debris. 1) If more than 40cc of water or debris is evident carry out the following:- Drain the fuel tank. Check the fuel tank breather location and reposition as per the illustration A attached. On pick up variants please reposition the breather pipe in board towards the rear of the fuel tank. If breather is blocked replace the pipe as per GTR. Replace the fuel filter and clean out the fuel lines of any contamination / debris and or residue. For P1169 code replace the FMV (Fuel Metering Valve), as per GTR and LTB00153. Illustration B. If DTC P0089 is also present replace the PRV (Pressure Relief Valve), as per GTR. Illustration C. Bleed and prime the fuel system as per GTR. Start the vehicle and carry out the pump learn process with IDS as per GTR. Carry out a road test to ensure the issue has been rectified and no codes have been logged. Submit any findings on ePQR to engineering. 2) If no sign of water or debris but either codes logged carry out the following:- Check the integrity of the wiring and the condition of the terminal connections between PCM and Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor and between PCM and FMV. Repair wiring as necessary and re test the vehicle. If no issue is found with the wiring / connections, and code P1169 logged, replace the FMV as per GTR and LTB00153. Replace the fuel rail PRV (Pressure Relief Valve), only If DTC P0089 is present as per GTR. Start the vehicle and carry out the pump learn process with IDS as per GTR. Carry out a road test to ensure the issue has been rectified and no codes have been logged. Submit any findings on ePQR to engineering. Note:- A new tank / breather design was introduced on Defender 90 Vin# LD8A760582. and Defender 110/130 at Vin# LD8A760304. Please submit an ePQR for any issue seen on vehicles post these vins. Models LD - Defender Title Mulitiple Starter Motor Failure Last Modified 21-JAN-2009 17:43 Category Electrical Symptom 203000 Basic Electrical Content Issue: Repeat failures on Defender starter motors. Cause: The ignition switch can jam causing starter motor failure due to over running. Action: If the starter motor has failed check operation of ignition switch; a) Is the switch jammed through any of its positions? b) Does the switch fully return to position 2 once cranked and the inhibit operates, not allowing re-crank from position 2? c) Does the starter motor continue to engage once cranked and key released? If the answer to any of the above is YES please change ignition barrel as well as starter motor as potentially the starter motor will fail again. Vehicles post vin. 775971 have been modified and should not demonstate this concern.===================================================Land Rover Service Bulletin Models LD - Defender LTB00166 Subject/Concern: Clutch Noise/Poor Selection Models: Defender (LD) 2.4 Puma Diesel Engine. 2.4 Puma Diesel Engine. VIN-range: 7A732615-9A766150 Markets: All Section: 308-00 Summary: Potential difficult gear selection and noise in clutch operation. Cause: Improvements have been made to the specification of the clutch plate and clutch cover to address both the potentially difficult gear selection and noise during clutch operation concerns.Suggested customer concern code P24. Action: Should it become necessary to install the clutch kit assembly, refer to the new procedure detailed in Global Technical Reference GTR Workshop Manual, section 308-00. Parts Required: Description Part Number Quantity Clutch kit Assembly. URB500080 1 Labour Time: Operation Description Operation No. Time Clutch kit Assembly Renew. 33.10.01 3.9 hours Repair/Claim Coding: Causal Part: URB500080 ACES Condition===================================================For our friends in the Nordic countries and Russia Puma Engine Breather Pipe Freezing Models: Defender (LD) 2.4 Diesel Puma Only VIN-range: 7A732615 Onwards Markets: Russia and Scandinavian Markets Only Section: 303-00 Summary: Engine oil leaks. Cause: Driving the vehicle at temperatures on or below Zero deg C, freezing of the engine crankcase breather hoses resulting in engine oil leaks. Suggested Customer Concern Code - D50. Action: Should a customer express concern, install a new heated breather kit. Follow the Service Instruction outlined below.